About Me



Hi all! Omg it has been such a long time since I last updated my blog.
I don't even think if anyone is still checking out this death place.
Except for those horny freaks who are probably still think I really kissed a elephant cock...
If you happen to see this and wondering what the fuck am I talking about, let me remind you.

I wrote a blog post on Oct 22, 2012 for my trip to Dan Shui and we went to this "Believe It Or Not" place, and there's an elephant cock statue which I pretended to be kissing it.
And ever since, I realised I have super high page view for that post and my blog even appeared in porn website so I'm pretty sure many readers were trying to watch animal-human sex porn but I failed them! LOL

*Putting up the pic to prove my innocence!!
Actually I don't have any main subject that I wanna talk about in this post.
I was just simply too bored and thought that maybe I should get back to blogging since you know, I have nothing to do.....
Well, I'll try to blog more interesting stuff in the next blog post. NO PROMISE THOUGH, since I'm pretty lazy and fickle-minded xD

Okay that pretty much sum up a blog post so I'm stopping here haha. Hope to see you guys more! You can always leave a comment requesting topic for me to blog~ (if there's really living human reading this boring place?)

Bye! See you soon! xoxo



I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered a model, but I'm me.
I eat food. I have curves. I have more fat than I should. I have scars because I have a history.
Some people love me, some like me, some hate me. I have done good. I have done bad.
I am random and crazy. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. I am who I am, you can love me or not. I won't change!
And if I love you, I do it with all my heart.
I make no apologies for the way I am.


One day you'll meet a guy. And ultimately, he's going to find out.
How you chew, how you sip, how you dance, how you smell at every point in the day.
How your face looks underneath all your makeup.
How you love food, how you can be hyper all the time, how certain books and shows make you really happy.
How cranky you can get when you're tired, how you think you look bad in all your photos.
He's going to know everything about you.
And you know what?
He's still going to love you.


New video on my youtube channel

Hi my lovelys!
Just a quick announcement that my new video is up hehe
A short update of my college life and my dormitory room tour!

Okay go watch ok!
And ask.fm me, love ya!
