About Me


New video on my youtube channel

Hi my lovelys!
Just a quick announcement that my new video is up hehe
A short update of my college life and my dormitory room tour!

Okay go watch ok!
And ask.fm me, love ya!



Biore Cleansing Cotton

Hi my lovelys!
As you can see from the blog title, I'm gonna talk about girl's topic again haha.
So if you're a male reader, you can skip this blog post now then.
Anyway I only attract more girl readers cus omg I can't believe I'm so girly on my blog wtf.

Oh and I'm quitting bad words recently, cus I use them too often and it scares people off so wtf in my blog actually mean What The Fox okay!

Okay let's get started!
Did you guys know how lazy I am?
I'm so lazy to the extent that I usually skip the removing make-up step whenever I put on make up.

BUT! That was before my college life la.
I don't usually put on make-up daily when I was in high school cus... you know, who put on super thick make-up to go with super ugly school uniform??
Ok ok I know, some girls do. But I'm not one of those girls.
I normally just put on powder foundation to cover flaws and yep that's all.

But now I'm in College uh! (In case you don't know)
Where you can wear whatever you want and put on any crazy make up you want, or dye any color to your hair.
So it's kinda like a daily make-up life, for me. Feel that eye liner are essential if not I look super tired.

And do I really wanna be an lazy piece of shit that will look even more shit when I'm 40 just because I don't remove my make-up probably in my 20s??
The answer is definitely HELL NO?!

So today I'm gonna show you girls what make-up remover I've been using and am still in love with.

This is me with make up on. It's just my simple daily make-up. Actually by the time I took this pic, all my make-up were faded la and I can't be bothered to put them all over again that's why you can see my lips are quite bare. Like I said, eye liner are the essential.

I did put on effect for all the pic you're gonna see but I didn't photoshop my face quality. I'm not trying to say I have good skin quality because I don't, I just didn't take super close shot of my face so you can't really see much flaws but I didn't photoshop my face okay!

For This Effect: Download [美圖秀秀] (Mei Tu Xiu Xiu, it's free but it's all in Chinese so if you're not chinese... it's probably not a good app for you...), choose the pic you want to edit (normally they'll suggest you to change the size of your pic but it's up to you, I usually don't change),  then press 熱門 from 特效 then they have this 后青春 effect (but you have to be memebers first before you can use this and it's quite easy to apply for membership la no need pay one!) then after you select it, you can choose the percentage of the effect you want it to be. I used 70% for all.
And that's all I did to my pic~ No 美容 no 美膚 no nothing.

Oh forgive me for having ugly hairstyle when I remove my make-up uh.
Like how pretty can I get when I remove make-up? Lol
Ok moving on.

Here comes my Biore Cleansing Cotton pad! And that's how it looks like.
I forgot the price tho but it's affordable!
Take a piece out.
It's still 70% effect but I blur the backgroud so you guys can forcus more on the cotton pad lol.
And start wipping your face, remove all the make up!
(I'm doing half face first)
And tada! My finger is pointing at the side of the face without any make up.
I know you don't see much different with the one that has make-up on probably because I use too much effect bitch pls, so I'm gonna show you...
A super naked...
This is me after I remove all the make up with Biore Cleansing Cotton.
 And this is my sheet of cotton pad with all my make-up and you can see I kinda only have heavy eye make-up lol.
After I clean off all my make-up, I'll wash my face with this Mentholatum Acnes Medicated Make-Up Removal Wash
I do not think it is suitable for removing make-up cus it doesn't really clean off uh, still will have remaining and it totally cannot clean off waterproof make up so yeah.
And  after washing your face with this, it actually makes your skin very dry. This should be the cons but it's actually the pros to me cus when I feel my skin is very dry I'll remember to put on toner and lotion which normally I'm too lazy so I'll skip the step...
And I feel fresh after using it la so I still think it's a good product, for me!
And just really show off this super cute Melody towel I'm using everyday hahaha, jeaous not!
Okay la okay la gonna end this post with my super naked face after all the step I mention above~
Lol is not too bad right!
Okay finally done this post, it took me like one or two weeks to finish this pic y'know.
Cus I caught up with things I don't know why.
I have this "don't-know-what-exam" coming in 12 days and there's 1000 questions we need to memorize cus 80% are from that 1000 quetions.
And who the FUC... FOX can memorize 1000 questions in 12 freaking days?!
It's actually my own fault because when my friends ask if I have homework, my answer is always no when actually I could use the time to memorize that 1000 questions =.=
Stupid me zzz
And maybe I'm doing the Dorm Room Tour as a video... hmm no promise alright! But I'll try!
Keep in touch with me on http://ask.fm/heatherlin/
Til the next time!
p.s/ I realised I didn't really blog much in 2013 eh, there's like only 16 posts in the whole year...I'm gonna be more commited to my blog and make some changes!!!
還沒完全 畢竟還是每天要面對
但是真的比較好了 :)
朋友當然很重要 但沒經歷一樣心情的人再怎麼安慰妳
你都覺得不夠 因為他們沒真的經歷過
但我還是謝謝不管我跟妳說多少心裡最黑暗的秘密,妳依然沒judge過我 thank you my super bff, love you Sab! I know you'll read this soon or later x)
嗯 就先嘿嘿囉! ^^
"........妳想等傷好了,再去愛人,這樣才對得起未來的他,也才對得起自己. 妳不想匆忙,想要放慢腳步,腳步踏實........" -copied this quote from a chinese book, for those who're still trying :)