About Me


You gave me butterflies.

Hi all! I'm sick ><"
Lol, and because of that I didn't want to update blog, am really lazy.
But after reading some blogs, decided that I should just update then.
(Be appreciative, :P)

Okay before I continue, picture time! ^^

(My friend's bag, I think suits me eh. Why can't Taiwan allow students to carry their own bag???)
(This is the one Sabrina was referring to in her latest blog post, http://silentnameliz.blogspot.com/)

( Oh yes, I have become addicted to piercing again -.- )

(I have like 2 new piercing in just one week, crazy or what -.- And I kinda think I run out of place to pierce :O )

Now my brain isn't working well, couldn't even think of anything to blog.
(Have been deleting what I was typing for like 5 times, can't think of how to continue!!)

Well, I guess I'll start with the fighting accident then? Though Sab has already blog about it but I wanna say it again in my point of view.
So me and Sabrina is in charge to carry our class's lunch box back to the canteen during noon-resting time.(direct translate from me)
And this happen like Wed or Thu? I can't remember.
But while we were carrying the lunch box to the canteen, I stop to check on my hot-pink shoe.
(Actually I can't even remember what was I doing, was just taking idea from Sabrina's blog)

And there's like 3 juniors behind of us, 2 dogs and 1 bitch.
(Don't know their names, but kinda think dog/bitch suits them <: )
According to Sab is that, they are not happy that we block their way.
And we were like??? Hello omg it's not like the road is super small that it's almost impossible for you to past us?
The road is fucking big la, walk the other way you bitch if you think we have block your way.
And zzz omg, you're not happy just because I block your way without knowing?
It's not like I know all of you are behind me and I purposely stop to block your way right???
You not happy, bitch about me after you're not near me, don't come stare at me.

Is rude la, bitch. And oh fuck, I really hate people to stare like no mother teach like that.
You think you red contact lens big? I scare of your red contact lens? Hello don't be stupid?
I'm like having a collection of different colour contacts. So what if you have red?
I have Gold you fucker. As if red look nice on you, omg already so ugly some more wear red contacts come out scary people only.
I know you're good at scaring people with your face la, seriously almost vomited when I saw your face.
Lanjiao, what happen to you? Car bang into your face right? Zzzz

Stare stare stare, you think so nice I stand there let you stare one uh? People stare must give money ley.
Then you give me those lanjiao stare some more, fuck you la hor cheebye.
Stare la, you have your fucking rights to stare I don't have my fuck to bitch about you huh??
And hello, I'm so much better okay. At least I bitch about you INFRONT of you la cheebye.

Don't dare look back, good for you. I won't  waste my time on you loser if you don't be so xialan.
Wah then say "fuck your mum", you dare you speak louder. Don't say soo softly that my friend have to tell me what you say.
You think my mother can let you fuck one uh? Kay la you xialan say my mum, then don't blame me for saying your dad.
See if you like it or not.
Your dad don't know have lanjiao to fuck your mum or not one ley. Must be too snall that why his sperm swim half way only right.
Then too bad your mother give birth to a dog like you.
Walao cheebye, don't fuck at the first la. For what your parents give birth to a dog on earth to scare people with the looks of your. Lanjiao kena scared until cannot eat uh, think of your face want vomit again.

Say my mum I already can't tahan want go smack him already. Sua I be good senior.
Then what you do? Point middle finger behind our back when we leave. Then I turn back you faster hide the middle finger.
Eh you no balls la hor gan ni nia (It means fuck your mum in hokkien)
You want point/or want fuck my mum, come infront to my face and say. Don't be no ball kid hide behind only.
You let me see you one more time, I'll check if you even have dick. Wonder how you pee when you don't even have penis.
I know, you must be pee from your mouth one right? That's why your mouth smell.

Cheebye, hate people like you. Only dare to stare, you think I scare?
No, I'll only ask you what the fuck you looking at.
Then want be xialan don't dare xialan to me face to face.
Only dare xialan behind, or when you have friends.
You want, you come one on one with me.
Don't dare, shut your mouth and leave.
You let me see you in school one more time, I make sure you no dick.
See how you fuck my mum la? Cb.

(Walao, I very sleepy now)
Okay anyway there's still one or two happy things did happen.
But I've seriously use all my energy just now.
So propably I'll just tell you guys next time when I have the chance.

Don't have to give me nasty comments regarding to this post.
Just a way to let out of all my anger here with all the cheebye lanjiao words. :/
If you love me, you'll accept the way I am. :P

Before I go, tomorrow my family is having BBQ down stair my house!
So looking forward to it, because I've invite Sab to come over as well ^^
You know, when I was still in Singapore Jan always come to my place or I'll go to her place because our house distance is only like 15 minute distance.
But ever since I'm back in Taiwan, I don't really have those "Bff coming over to each other's house event" because me and Sab live too far from each other.
It'll need like 45 min to get to each other's house? Or even more :x
So yea, I'm quite excited that Sab is coming over tomorrow ^^
(At least I won't feel soooo bored during the BBQ time then, opps)

Mum wanted to ask her stay over, but Sab's mum say they'll be busy on Mon so she didn't allow her to stay over in a way.
Well it's okay, we'll still have fun! ^^

Okay, I'll stop here first.

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